Sunday, March 15, 2009

End of Spring Break.....

So I am now at the end of my Spring Break. Cody and I went to see Jeffery in Dallas last friday and stayed till Tuesday. We went there to look at a school for me to go to if we decide to move to Dallas in August. It was not a good school. I have recently found another one on line since then. Tarrant County College in Fort Worth. We also have been looking for apartments and jobs. We are applying everywhere trying to find me a job. We shall see! I can't wait to see what God has in store for us! So now I start back school tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to it. The lectures are getting much more boring and our best teacher, Mrs. A, just happened to quit before spring break. She was awesome and a great lecturer. So we now just have horrible instructors now. We have 2 tests back to back the next week. I'm just continuing to pray that I can pass! I just need to get back into studying mode. It feels weird to have 3 days of clinicals. I'm never motivated to study just cuz I'm always tired when I get home from that! But I am loving them still. This week I get to go to PACU. I'm excited about that! Then to the ER on Friday! Yay! Now If I can just finish my case study, care plans, PACU paperwork, and study for both tests, I'll be going great!