Saturday, November 15, 2008

Almost Thanksgiving break!

So I have made it through 3 weeks of clinicals. I am loving the paperwork part of it all. I picked a great resident at the Nursing home for my 1st Case study but am learning quickly that I don't completely understand how to do this case study and it's due on Tuesday. But I'm sure i'll figure it out. I have Mrs. B as a clinical instructor. She is AWESOME! I'm loving it! I only hope I get someone thhis great for my next 2 semesters!

I am NOT doing well in Pharmacology however. I have a 72 in the class. I'm hoping I can pull it up. I am also worried about the HESI test in this class. I'm wondering if it will fail me or bring the grade up.

It is almost time for Thanksgiving! Yay! 2 extra days off....except I will pretty much be working the entire time....yippee. I really need a new job. Or none at all. That would be nice to. Nursing School is a full time job. I just wish I got paid instead of having to pay to do it! haha. Yeah right. I am just sooooo ready for Christmas!!!! Yay!!!!!

So the next month and a half will be crazy! nothing but holidays and TESTS! I will be so sick of tests by the time I'm done with this! I'm hpoing we will be able to afford for me to get a massage! That would be a wonderful ending to my first semester of Nrsing school!=)