Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Well today was my last day of lecture...Mr. Douglas taught in the morning and Mrs. Guedry in the afternoon. She was horrible once again. Yelling and talking down to us. When we are the ones telling her shes wrong and she said the book is wrong...Don't think so! But at least it was the last one! Now if I can (and will) just pass this HESI! Study Study Study! Friday is my last clinical day! Yay! And then nothing but tests! Wish me luck!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Girl's Night :)

This is what the HESI does to people! :)

Thursday, July 23, 2009


I failed HESI...Better luck next time....August 12th

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Is over....horrible test...I will find out tomorrow what I made.....

Monday, July 20, 2009

16 days!

We only have 16 days of school left! Oh my goodness I can't believe it! Only 6 days of clinicals left! WooHoo! We take the HESI on Wednesday. (Day after tomorrow) I am scared to death. I'm praying I will do well....I just wish I had more time to study! I've been doing well on my other tests now. I might actually get B's this semester! I've spent 2 more days in nursery and absoultely love it! I do believe I want to be a nursery nurse!!! We will see if one day i can achieve this goal! :)

I got the job on Orthopedics at St. Elizabeth! I'm very excited and hope everything goes well towards it...Especially the passing of the HESI part!

SO say a prayer for me Wednesday morning about 8:30 AM. I must pass this test!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Wow...July already!

A month down and a month to go! So far I have done clinicals in the Nursery, Post Partum, Day Surgery, and L&D! I loved the nursery! I was in there when a lot of the "Ike" babies were born! There were 15 babies in there at once! It got pretty loud at times lol. I got to see 2 babies right after they were born and help clean them up and take their vitals. I got to watch the first meds given and everything! It was very cool. Post Partum was pretty boring. In Day Surgery I got to do my first IV! I did pretty good! Got it on the first try! I still need a lot of practice though! Then on to L&D! I got to see a C-section! It was amazing! That little baby coming out of the small incicion! It was crazy. What made the day more interesting was it was a teen pregnancy...the mom and "dad" were white but she ended up having a black baby....The "daddy" wasn't to happy! So that was interesting to watch the mother and family members try to figure out what was going on. The baby even had a Mongolian spot! But she was a very cute baby though!

I have had my first 2 tests...Med/Surg was an 85 and L&D I got a 78. The HESI is on Jully 22nd. I've already started studying....It's going to be stressful!

We have27 class days left including clinicals! I can't believe it will be here this soon! It's crazy! And I already have a job offer from ST. E on the Ortho floor! I'm excited! :)